| Senior Wellness Tips https://seniorwellnesstips.com Embrace your wellness. Embrace your golden years. Thu, 14 Feb 2019 14:53:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.10 Downsizing Your Home Is Good For Your Health https://seniorwellnesstips.com/blog/downsizing-your-home-is-good-for-your-health/ https://seniorwellnesstips.com/blog/downsizing-your-home-is-good-for-your-health/#respond Thu, 14 Feb 2019 14:53:22 +0000 https://seniorwellnesstips.com/?p=144

Downsizing by getting rid of your excess possessions and relocating to a smaller place has various benefits, especially for senior citizens. Traditionally, it’s a solution offered up for empty nesters as a way to reclaim their lives after the kids have left home. However, nowadays, people from all kinds of demographics are cleaning out and moving on to a simpler, less materialistic life.

Downsizing: The Benefits
First of all, you are going to save money when you downsize. When you get rid of all that wasted space and transfer to a smaller place, you spend less on your mortgage, insurance, taxes and utilities. That money saved can go toward travel, saving for the future, or splurging on lifestyle choices — all experiences that actually add happiness to your life.

Furthermore, when you live with less, there is less to clean. That means your place is more sanitary with less effort. Your home is happier and healthier, and you have more free time to actually enjoy it. Only keeping what you need has further psychological benefits. Clutter can be detrimental to your wellbeing. It causes stress and anxiety that make you sick.

If you want to have less of an impact on the environment, downsizing can help you with that as well. You use less gas, electricity, and water living in a smaller house. Downsizing is a way of using your power as a consumer to reduce your impact and preserve the scarce resources the earth has left.

Tips For Making Downsizing Work For You
The best way to begin your downsizing journey is to work on changing your mindset. Materialism is as American as apple pie and the desire to buy stuff is established early on — it’s a hard habit to break.

When getting rid of items, it’s OK to start slow by getting rid of things you know you don’t want anymore. However, the hard part is when it is time to let go of things you maybe never considered getting rid of. Old books from college may remind you of your academic years, but will you really ever use them again? Sometimes, downsizing means putting sentimentality aside and being pragmatic instead.

When it comes to the things you keep, focus on two things: utility and quality. Kitchen gadgets that only do one thing have no place in your new, downsized lifestyle. Instead, focus on things that have multiple uses and will stand the test of time. Items like a cast iron skillet and a KitchenAid mixer make a minimalist kitchen function. When buying new things, keep utility and quality in mind as well. Investing more in something that works saves you money in the long run as you buy fewer cheap replacement versions of a gadget or tool.

If you’re moving as a means of downsizing, make sure you set yourself up for success and hire a knowledgeable realtor who will go above and beyond and will be with you through every step of the process. When your home sells and it’s time to move, treat yourself for all the hard work you’ve put in and hire movers. Movers will get you from point A to point B efficiently and you’ll be settled in no time.

Simplifying your life by living with less helps reduce stress, improve health, and make time for the things in life that matter.

Image via Pexels

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Healing, Health, And Harmony In Your Golden Years https://seniorwellnesstips.com/blog/healing-health-and-harmony-in-your-golden-years/ Wed, 13 Feb 2019 22:08:26 +0000 https://seniorwellnesstips.com/?p=120

Music and arts have healing benefits for seniors with physical and cognitive impairments.

Everyone has experienced a temporary mood boost by listening to their favorite song. But those good feelings can do more than waylay a bad day. Research from Harvard University suggests that music can fundamentally alter the body and mind. This has a number of positive implications for seniors, especially those dealing with cognitive impairments and mobility issues.

Music On The Brain
Music’s ability to shape and reshape the mind isn’t fully understood. However, it’s believed that certain types of sounds, such as those typified by classical music, work to fire up the brain cells responsible for information processing. Additionally, music has been found to significantly reduce the symptoms of depression in adults living with chronic pain. Listening to relaxing music may also help those suffering with insomnia ease into a state of slumber without medical intervention.

Body Of Evidence
Just as music has a profound effect on the mind, it can change the way the body functions as well. In one study, more than 130 senior citizens were followed for a period of six months. Half the group were assigned to a training program that introduced music and timed movement to their daily routine. The others were given no special instructions. At the end of the study, those in the experimental group exhibited better balance and improved mobility. This group reported 54% fewer falls — an issue prominent in senior citizens regardless of their physical, spatial, and cognitive capacities.

In Tune With Memories
According to UHM, a Connecticut-based network of senior living communities, music can help Alzheimer’s patients recall emotions and memories from decades earlier. It’s believed that familiar music from one’s formative years — late adolescence into early adulthood — triggers a response in the brain that can temporarily boost cognitive function. Many dementia patients can recall song lyrics and musical rhythm from their teenage years even if they can’t remember their own children’s names and faces. This video shows the immediate response of an Alzheimer’s patient name Henry when given an iPod and a playlist of his favorite music. Before listening, Henry is barely responsive and unable to recall the name of his primary caregiver. After just a few minutes of musical therapy, he was coherent, interactive, and able, without a musical aid, to sing and recall lyrics from his favorite song, a 1930s Christmas classic by Cab Calloway.

It’s The Arts
It isn’t just music that has exceptional healing abilities. Seniors can benefit from any form of creative expression they find enjoyable. Hobbies, such as woodworking, painting, and jewelry making, also trigger a response in the brain. Since music and other creative outlets have been shown to reduce chronic pain, it’s possible that including these in a senior’s life may lessen their chances of becoming dependent on opioids or other pain-management medications.

Positive Perception
According to the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), making and listening to music may influence an older individual’s perception regarding their quality of life. Even those who experience no tangible physical benefits from exposure to sound therapy tend to describe their lives as happier, more comfortable, and more fulfilling than those living in silence.

The takeaway lesson here is that music has a positive effect on individuals suffering with physical, emotional, and cognitive disorders. It is especially beneficial for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia. While music may not be able to replace medical care, the evidence is clear that it can be used as part of a long-term care plan for the Silent Generation.

Image via Pixabay
